Thursday, August 1, 2013

Exclusive Digital Publishing Blueprint Review With Bold Bonus Offer

An exclusive review of Ed Dale's Digital Publishing Blueprint software has been published at a popular Digital Publishing Blueprint Review website. This review uncovers some of the truths about this new software and offers a controversial Digital Publishing Blueprint Bonus, that has created a buzz in the industry.

Digital publishing took a long time to take off, but today more and more people are choosing to digitally publish their work. Writers and publishers alike are creating books, magazines, articles, and much more, at a fraction of the cost of traditional print publishing. If you have an idea for a magazine, but can't get it off the ground in the traditional way, all you need is a PDF file.

Joomag! has created a service for magazine publishers, allowing them to publish on their own. Their unique content editor allows publishers to create a digital magazine. The content editor allows them to create articles, and also add content that is unique only to digital publishing.

Unique features include the ability to place media into the magazine. This includes video, sound, forms, and photo galleries. This allows the magazine's readers to have a rich, interactive experience while reading the magazine, that can't be duplicated by traditional publishing methods.

The advantages over traditional print publishing continue. Publishers aren't required to pay any upfront fees to a traditional printing company, and there are no longer any expensive shipping fees. Your magazine is available to be purchased and viewed immediately on several different devices at the touch of a button.

All you need to do is create your content, set the price of your magazine, and find subscribers, and advertisers for your publication. Joomag! provides you with many other services so you get everything in one place.

Joomag! provides publishers with tools to help create their digital magazines, as well as ways to manage their subscriber lists, including alerting them when a new issue of your magazine is available. Tools are also available for publishers to create and track unique email campaigns, and special offers. Visit Joomag! online to get your magazine off the ground today!

More information can be found at the Digital Publishing Blueprint Review website:

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