Reputed and experienced Oklahoma City divorce attorneys typically performs divorce cases under an “agreed basis.” This means that both parties have agreed to all issues, including asset distribution. In such cases, the divorce is finalized within 10 days so long all issues related to child custody have been sorted out.
Primary child custody is granted to the parent who is “more able.” This is because Oklahoma has moved on from the Tender Years Doctrine, which was tilted in the mother’s favor.
Many people fear that the partner who files the divorce case first wins. However, that is not true. Oklahoma courts go deep into the case – they are not concerned about who filed it first.
It is not expensive to perform a divorce in the city. An uncontested case can be wrapped up for as little as $1,500.
Oklahoma courts can grant alimony to men or women, and before granting alimony, judges consider the following factors:
- What did the person have to give up?
- Does any partner have to relinquish his professional work to stay at home and raise the children?
These factors are examined in depth before arriving at the alimony.
These are a few facts about Oklahoma Divorce Law.
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