Someone once said that for those passionately in love, the whole world seems to smile. Tungsten Affinity had a new infographic for couples looking to wed in the future who are looking for cultural ideas for their wedding.
In China, modern brides don’t just have one wedding dress, but rather they have three. Traditionally, they have a red qipao frock, then a westernized white ballroom gown, and then for the reception party, they put on a cocktail or party dress for the rest of the evening.
The English believe Wednesday is the luckiest day to be married, whereas Saturday is considered to be bad luck. An Indian bride decorates her hands and feet with henna designs, intended to protect themselves and their marriage from the “evil eye”, a feared spirit in their culture.
In the Czech Republic, Instead of throwing traditional rice at newlyweds, Czech guests throw peas at the bride and groom.To ensure a lifetime of wealth, Swedish brides put a silver coin from her father and a gold coin from her mother in her shoe on her wedding day.
Every woman wants to feel beautiful, but on the morning of their wedding, Moroccan women take a milk bath to purify themselves before their ceremony. In Holland, a pine tree is planted outside the newlywed’s home as a symbol of luck and fertility for the future of their marriage. In Egypt, it is customary for the bride’s family to do all the cooking for a week after the wedding, to ensure the couple enjoys their alone time.
In America, it’s often a tradition to light unity candles, but in South Africa, the parents of the bride and groom traditionally carry fire from their hearts to light a new fire in the newlywed’s hearth.
However, the craziest tradition of all may be in Denmark. There, brides and grooms typically cross dress in each other’s close to confuse evil spirits and protect their marriage.
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Tungsten Affinity offers quality. affordable tungsten wedding bands in any style. With a lifetime warranty and custom engraving, Tungsten Affinity has all you need to order your wedding bands online. See their newly released infograph here - http://www.tungstenaffinity.com/wedding-customs-a/321.htm.
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