Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Edmond Masjedi, Dedicated Entrepreneur and Businessman Knows What Success Is

Los Angeles, CA ( September 11, 2012 – Edmond Masjedi, is a dedicated entrepreneur and businessman with extensive experience in the business field. Over the years, he has worked with many firms and worked on starting businesses in different fields that interested him. He has found great success in the business world by creating and selling different businesses.

The less experienced could learn a lot from life-long entrepreneurs like Edmond Masjedi. Edmond Masjedi earned his marketing and business degree from the University of California. Thousands of business majors with ambitious dreams of success follow in his footsteps each year.

Masjedi is a member of an on-line group called “Elite Business Performance & Performers.” In that forum, business people discuss issues relating to being successful.

“As an entrepreneur,” one woman writes, “you may face roadblocks right before experiencing a breakthrough. Learn how to get past that temporary road block and into bigger things quickly.”

Another shares the “4 Steps to a Successful Life” –

Step 1: Define What Success Means to You. Determine what you want out of life.

Step 2: Start by Focusing on a Broad Goal and then Create Simpler Goals. You decide what success is and how you will achieve it. Pursue a goal or something that you want and be willing to work hard to get it.

Step 3: Take Action! After you set your goals you must take decisive action.

Step 4: Know the Importance of Persistence and Belief

Valuable business advice can be obtained from your peers, from experienced businessman like Edmond Masjedi, or from famous entrepreneurs like Donald Trump as well. Trump is quoted as saying, “Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know."

Edmond Masjedi states “a person should love what he is doing otherwise he cannot make the effort required for success.”

Contact Info:
Edmond Masjedi
5021 Adams Place
Suite 136, Plano TX 08807