Monday, July 21, 2014

Nudge Notes Nears International Launch - Dr Robert E. Wright Brought in to Evaluate Nudges

Emerging new social media has engaged Dr. Robert E. Wright, Behavioral Research Psychologist to evaluate over 200 Nudges and Answers. offers friends and co-workers the opportunity to send constructive criticisms and positive re-enforcement.

Dr. Robert E. Wright, MHA, MA, RN and CEO of Behavioral Education and Research Services, Inc. has evaluated all 200+ Nudge Notes to be sent by co-workers and friends to recipients advising suggested changes in lifestyle, habits as well as a number of positive compliments.  “We want to ensure that the criticism is of a positive nature.  The advice is intended to help and encourage the recipient.  It is not our intent to send messages that are of a bullying nature,” said Dr. Wright.

Nudge Notes has 4 stated values:
1. Nudge Notes are intended to help someone you know or care about become aware of an opportunity to improve.
2. Nudge Notes should be sent with a caring-heart and an absence of malice. 3. Nudge Notes are should never be used to bully or harass 4. Nudge Notes should make the world a better place. “Do a good deed...send a Nudge” is the NudgeNote slogan.

Dr. Wright has been associated with autism and behavioral disorders dating back to 1965 when his brother Ben was diagnosed. He conceived and created the Behavior Simulation Training (BeST®) family of programs with the flagship program Virtual Behavior for Families (VBF®).

Nudge Notes is the brain child of Bob Hanson and noted programming wizz Daniel Majovski. The program engine has been in development since 2007, evolving into what will soon be a free resource available to millions of office workers and mobile users worldwide.  John Scorsone, a retired USAF senior officer, was brought onboard as a professional project manager to lead the team effort. The firm of Professional Marketing Associates International, is overseeing the branding and launch of the site.

Dr Wright commented “This kind of outlet can assist behavior shortcomings in social and business life and even within families.”  Wright continued “people tend to shy away from making constructive criticisms, particularly with those close in our lives.  Sending an anonymous NudgeNote can reduce concerns about possible consequences.”

Dr Wright has made a number of changes in the initial Nudges and recommended solution behaviors by their recipients.  Dr. Wright has also suggested a rule that does not let the same nudge be sent to the same person twice by the same person. “It is important to our team that recipients see Nudges as recommendations for constructive behavior change rather than hateful hints.” is in Beta test now and anyone can participate for free; send an anonymous Nudge today in its test phase.  The official USA launch will be announced next month.

For more information contact Nudge Notes at
For Press information contact Thomas R. Reich or YourPMA at

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