Tuesday, April 8, 2014

iPhone 5 Users Listen Up! A Chilean Company is Bringing Beautiful New Way to Amplify Your Life

Ancient craftsmanship meets the modern world in a simply stunning and natural way to amplify your iPhone 5.

The iOX is a complete natural product made entirely out of sterilized polished horns to fit exactly your smartphone size. Each one is one-of-a-kind and beautiful in its simplicity. It uses ox horns (yes from the animal) which are rigorously sterilized, polished and specially crafted to produce a product that is both a beautiful work of art and functional.  

The iOX concept originated in Santiago, Chile. It was created from the goal/vision of developing industrial products out of crafts materials. The inventor discovered that ox horns were being sanded and polished to become jewels. This had potential! Using an ox horn to amplify your phone is not only functional – it’s durable, natural, lightweight, and recyclable. 

This iOX also answers to the re-using of industrial processes. The horns are not only beautiful – they possess unique sound qualities. The natural shape makes sounds resonate and they are amplified. This has been observed in ancient traditions including the Jewish ceremony of the blowing of the Shofar. The inventors have turned this ancient world craft material into a functional conversation piece for the modern, technological world.  

Your friends will say, “OMG what's is that?!” In this case, “that” is a natural product made entirely out of sterilized polished horns to fit exactly your iPhone 5 size. It amplifies the iPhone's built in speakers up to 10 decibels. This happens because of the internal structure and vibrancy of the material. There are no wires, no speakers, and no electricity. The iOX so stunning in craftsmanship it can double as a centrepiece. Each horn is unique in its shape and colors. It is carefully individualized and you get the one you choose.

A new crowd sourced funding campaign is on right now at Kickstarter.com to help grow the business. The goal is to help iOX spread the word and build business for ‘bulk’ shipping to the US. There are great funding rewards - including a customized iOX of your own. You can even get one laser engraved with your name or signature. Amplify your style today… naturally. Check out product information and more on the Kickstarter iOX campaign – and tell everyone you know.

For additional product information and reward details: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1516636323/iox-natural-amplifier-for-iphone-5#

Media Contact
Company Name: IOX
Contact Person: Itzjak Ventura
Email:Send Email
Country: United States
Website: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1516636323/iox-natural-amplifier-for-iphone-5#
Source: www.abnewswire.com