Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to Fight Fatigue Naturally; Pharmacology & Pharmacy, a Medical Journal, Reports Important Results of a Clinical Study

Pharmacology & Pharmacy, a medical journal, published a post marketing clinical study, which "showed that treatment with Gene-Eden-VIR, a natural remedy, safely decreased the feeling of general, physical, and mental fatigue in individuals infected with a latent virus (1)."

A new clinical study demonstrated that Gene-Eden-VIR reduces physical and mental fatigue in individuals infected with a latent virus (1). The study was published in the peer reviewed, medical journal Pharmacology & Pharmacy.

To be more specific, the clinical study showed that Gene-Eden-VIR reduced fatigue in those infected with a latent virus including: “the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) (1).”

There are no drugs approved by the FDA to specifically treat fatigue. This study is therefore unique in the health industry since a clinical study showed that Gene-Eden-VIR, a natural antiviral, reduces fatigue. This is important because fatigue is very common. “Studies have shown that one-third of the general population reports a feeling of fatigue, with 5% reporting a feeling of short-term fatigue (
In addition, “Various diseases (e.g., anemia, multiple sclerosis, CFS), psychiatric disorders, and drugs (e.g., antihypertensives, ?-adrenergic blockers, lipid-lowering agents) can cause a feeling of fatigue. One of the most important causes of a feeling of fatigue is an infection, specifically, with a latent virus, such as the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7), herpes simplex virus (HSV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis viruses, parvovirus B19, and influenza virus (1).” Those with fatigue usually have a sense of tiredness, lack of energy, a feeling of exhaustion, and impaired physical and/or cognitive performance.
Importantly, study participants reported no side effects when using Gene-Eden-VIR, and following treatment, the participants reported a statistically significant decrease in every aspect of fatigue tested in the study (1).

Research shows that most individuals are infected with a latent virus. Almost every event that decreases the efficiency of the immune system, such as aging, medications, and stress will increase the concentration of these viruses in the infected individual. Therefore, the study concludes that “health care practitioners should recommend Gene-Eden-VIR as a first line treatment for fatigue.”  In other words, the authors believe that most cases of fatigue are caused by an increase in the concentration of latent viruses in the host. Therefore, if someone is suffering from fatigue, they should ask their doctors for a blood test to identify these latent viruses in their system. If these latent viruses are found, the study suggests taking Gene-Eden-VIR against the resulting fatigue.

This is the second time that a peer reviewed medical journal published a paper reporting a clinical study on Gene-Eden-VIR’s, patent protected, natural formula. The first paper, entitled “Gene-Eden-VIR Is Antiviral: Results of a Post Marketing Clinical Study” was published in September 2013 and can be found at:http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=36101#.UzQEv6iSz90

Mike Evans of polyDNA said “We believe in natural products. There are many untapped opportunities in this field that deserve serious scientific research. We are very happy that we were both successful in developing a natural product, and in proving that it works through a clinical study that followed FDA guidelines. As our mission says, polyDNA aims to develop and sell natural products that are as safe and effective as drugs.”

To view the entire paper on Gene-Eden-VIR and fatigue, visit: http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=44234#.UzQC5KiSz90

For more information on Gene-Eden-VIR please visit the product’s official website at: http://www.gene-eden-vir.com.

We invite the media to contact us for interviews at: note (AT) buy-gene-eden.com or phone 585-250-9999.



(1)    http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=44234#.UzQC5KiSz90
(2)    http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=36101#.UzQEv6iSz90
(3)    http://www.gene-eden-kill-virus.com

polyDNA is a biotechnology company that develops dietary supplements using the unique scientific method developed by Dr. Hanan Polansky, which is based on Computer Intuition.

In addition to his unique scientific method, Dr. Polansky published the highly acclaimed scientific discovery, called Microcompetition with Foreign DNA. The discovery explains how foreign DNA fragments, and specifically, DNA of latent viruses, cause most major diseases.

polyDNA developed Gene-Eden-VIR, an antiviral natural remedy that helps the immune system kill latent viruses.

Distributed by Kjprnews

Media Contact
Company Name:Gene-Eden Products
Contact Person: PolyDNA
Phone: 585-250-9999
City: Tel-Aviv
Country: Israel
Website: http://www.gene-eden-vir.com