is a social network like exchange which primarily aims to promote the websites and pages of their clients. Registration on their website is completely free of charge and will give users several bonuses along the way to get free facebook likes etc.
This is an exchanging network where people do Facebook Likes/Shares or view YouTube videos, or do Hits on Google-Plus or Visit websites. In return they get points. These points can be used to get more fans, free youtube views or convert points to money for cash out.
Get Social Promotion is a network that helps users registered on their site to grow their social presence. Their system allows you to look and choose the pages you want to like/subscribe/follow/view and skip those you are not interested in. is currently accepting services for Facebook Likes, Facebook Shares, Facebook Followers, Facebook Post Likes, Facebook Post Share, Google Pluses, YouTube Subscribe, YouTube Video Likes, YouTube Video Favorites, YouTube Views, Twitter Followers, Twitter Tweets, MySpace Friends, Instagram Followers, Instagram Photo Likes, Pinterest Followers, Pinterest Likes, Reverbnation Fans, SoundCloud Followers, StumbleUpon Followers and Website Traffic. is a pay per click hosting webpage which uses the popularity of social networking websites in order to generate income for their registered users. Unlike pay per click websites which require the user to wait before having their click registered, utilizes the different interaction methods within different social networking websites to generate their clicks. gives its users the opportunity to get paid to like pages on Facebook or free youtube likes. Known as an exchanging network,'s aim is to generate views, likes, and shares by employing their users to visit their client's pages. As compensation for their efforts, users are given points which can be used to get more fans for their page. The points can also be converted into money for cash out purposes. Users who have registered on their website get 100 points as signup bonus.
Registration on their website is completely free of charge and will give users several bonuses along the way.
For more info, please visit
Company Name: Unternehmensberatung/Consulting
Contact Person: Manuela Kinne
Email:Send Email
Phone: 004926036013438
Address:Lahnstrasse 55a
City: 56130 Bad Ems
Country: Germany
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