Paris, Ile-de France – Organized every two years in Paris by Princess Catherine Colonna de Stigliano and Ranjit Mahanty “Bal des Etoiles” opened in Paris. Every year, the Bal attracts many prominent jet setters from all continents and is one of the most glamorous and must attend events in Paris in the month of November.
The three day party bash started with an invitation-only champagne reception held on the 9th floor of the Institut du Monde Arabe, a beautiful evening in Paris from a sky high view. The black tie gala dinner was held at the stunning Le Cercle de l’Union Interalliée on rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. The dinner followed by all night dancing to the spins of a renown French DJ Ariel Wizman. Farewell Dinner was held at L’Entracte, located on avenue Montaigne, Plaza Athénée, a place that just celebrated its 100th anniversary.
The Bal des Etoiles of Paris is the winter version of Bal de L’Ete of Monaco that usually attract many high profile guests. Among attendees were Björn Lefnaer, Anna Ivlieva, Jelena Klusa, Portugal art world diva Sofia Cruz and many others.
...Paris is always a good idea!
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