Who does not like to make a few extra bucks by doing some part time work, it gives people the chance to use their skills to their advantage to increase their spending power. In such uncertain economic conditions people like to make the most of their time and look for ways to make some money and why not? Doing part time jobs is a highly effective and highly rewarding way to spend spare time.
Helpful.sg is a website that has been created with the aim of connecting people who need help in getting a task done to the people who are willing and capable of helping others and getting paid for the help. Getting help and looking for ways to make money has never been as easy because the Helpful.sg process enables like-minded individuals to outsource tasks to identity verified part-time helpers in a safe and trusted manner. This process is fairly simple and easy to follow, people need to register for a Helpful.sg account to either post a job as a member or get registered as a helper which required submission of certain documents which may include an interview as well. Registration is necessary for any further transactions.
All this information is attained to ensure the security of all the parties involved. After the registration, people who want to post a job can do so by clicking the ‘Post A Help Wanted' button on Helpful's homepage as a member, after which Helpers will bid for the help according to the amount that they want. They will also add a description as to why they should be chosen. The Members then can see a list of Helpers who have bid for the Help Wanted and then proceed on to choose the part time helper which they feel is the best.
The Internet has opened up a world of opportunities for people but it is important that people go through the right and most secure channels to get what they are looking for. Freelancers and people looking for a part time job have never been able to get jobs so easily but with the ease come great risk. Helpful.sg is not only making the process of
Outsourcing tasks to part-time helpers simple and easy but also secure and considerably risk free, this is because the website employs the highest levels of SSL encryption to ensure all the data is secure in transit to the site and does back ground checks of all registered Helpers. The website also has a specific pricing guide according to the different types of tasks.
For more information please visit: http://helpful.sg
Company Name: Helpful.sg
Contact Person: Benjamin Eyu
Email:Send Email
Phone: +62221270
Address:138 Cecil Street #08-03 Cecil Court
Country: Singapore
Website: http://helpful.sg
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