Online venues like Blurb.com and the Apple iBookstore have changed the publishing industry forever. Now authors and industry experts have legitimate self-publishing tools and venues to use without having to beg old-line print publishers to consider their work. It is the democratization of the publishing industry and it follows the same trend as what has happen in the music and movie/TV industries. The days when music labels, TV studios, and print publishers called all the shots are over.
Today, authors, indie artists, and filmmakers have options; and many don’t need the traditional old-boy network, or even want them. And there are a growing number of creative marketing and production companies able to help authors and artists market their brand so that the public sits-up and takes notice. One such company is MRPwebmedia, headed by marketing expert Jerry Bader. MRPwebmedia’s mantra is “we turn advertising into content, and content into a memorable experience,” and they have been doing it for clients in Canada, the USA, Australia, and England since 1991. The company specializes in delivering clients marketing messages using video, sound design, and clever script writing.
“We realized early-on that the Web is all about multimedia, and that clients needed to use all the communication methods available in order to create a brand and to be heard above the onslaught of competitive noise. With business people so focused on technical solutions to human problems, they forget that prospects and customers are an audience, and once you view them as such, your marketing takes on a whole new perspective. But getting people to get off the Twitter and Facebook treadmill is hard. That’s why we wrote ‘What’s The Big Idea? A Guide To Creative Marketing Communication’. ” – Jerry Bader, MRPwebmedia.com
“What’s The Big Idea?” is more than just another business e-book touting the latest marketing fad; it’s an organized approach to creative marketing strategy and concept development. The e-book contains a beautiful mind map chart for entrepreneurs to use as a guide in developing their own innovative marketing campaigns, as well as written, video, and full page photo illustrations of each of the 28 concepts that use hard-wired mental triggers to communicate well-thought-out marketing communication strategies.
Bader says, “You don’t have to believe me, or my forty years of experience, believe George Lois, one of the great advertising men of the past fifty years who says, ‘Advertising, an art, is constantly besieged and compromised by logicians and technocrats, the scientists of our profession who wildly miss the main point about everything we do…’”
“What’s The Big Idea?” uses all the multimedia communication techniques available, incorporating text, full page digitally enhanced photographs, and 29 videos with 53 minutes of powerful marketing information that teaches entrepreneurs that it’s time to stop thinking like a multinational that can dominate markets by throwing money at communication venues, and start thinking like a movie producer with a brand story to tell, and a differentiating message to deliver.
E-books, with their ability to deliver valuable content in text, image, and video formats may just be the salvation of the entrepreneur that has something of value to say and knows how to say it. “What’s The Big Idea?” may be the blueprint for how to do it.
Here's what one person said after buying the e-book: "I have read your marketing emails for years and always found them very informative. My god I just purchased "What's The Big Idea" … No matter where you are in this rat-race it is one of the best I've seen in a while, informative and makes you want to read and watch every movie to the end. Covers all the BS'ers out there and their hype. It inspires me to make my marketing much more effective." -Gary Deacon, The Tattered Window.
“What’s The Big Idea?” is available on Blurb.com (http://store.blurb.com/ebooks/408096-what-s-the-big-idea) and in Apple’s iBookstore (http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id667106682).
The e-book contains 67 pages, a Concept Mind Map Chart, 28 photographic illustrations, text explaining the overall conceptual framework, a description for each idea, plus 29 videos (53+ minutes) further explaining the concepts.
“What’s The Big Idea?” was written by Jerry Bader, Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a Thornhill, Ontario marketing communication firm that specializes in Web video and audio production. He is the author of over one hundred articles on online marketing that have been published in various prestigious marketing blogs based on his forty plus years of business marketing experience. He can be reached at info@mrpwebmedia.com or at (905) 764-1246 and through http://www.mrpwebmedia.com
Company Name: MRPwebmediaContact Person: Jerry Bader
Email:Send Email
Phone: 905 764-1246
Address:11 Binscarth Crescent
City: Thornhill
State: ON
Country: Canada
Website: http://store.blurb.com/ebooks/408096-what-s-the-big-idea
Source: www.abnewswire.com
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