Although divorce is seemingly engrained in our society, LegalLogs explains that this process is one that has had to swiftly adapt to the evolving world we live in. While advances in law have made divorce proceedings much easier for individuals to pursue, technological developments have also heightened risks among clients trying to obtain a favorable outcome. In fact, a recent article from The Huffington Post explains ten ways that modern technology may impair one’s divorce process—mainly by restricting privacy.
While many people undergoing divorce are instructed to keep a low profile until their dissolution is finalized, The Huffington Post reveals that many clients may not even be aware of technology risks. For instance, the article encourages divorcing parties to thoroughly address the connectivity of their devices; while one individual may feel that their Web browsing is confidential on their iPad it may also be linked to an iTunes account or iPhone device, allowing soon-to-be ex-spouses to become aware of sensitive information.
In addition, LegalLogs explains that any individual pursuing divorce may want to take a second look at privacy settings found on their social media profiles. In its press statement, LegalLogs states, “Social media has quickly become a common source of evidence during divorce trials and the information presented on these sites can drastically change the outcome of the ruling. As such, many lawyers encourage clients to abstain from using social media while pursuing a divorce.”
In addition, The Huffington Post suggests that divorcing parties make sure that all their online and mobile accounts are updated to the highest levels of privacy. For example, those who may have location-based tracking services attached to their phone plan may want to update those settings in order to prevent “stalking.” However, LegalLogs explains one of the most important tips in the article involves the changing of passwords. The Huffington Post states, “During happy times, couples share passwords without thinking twice. If your spouse has the password to your email, bank account, credit card, Facebook [profile] or any other account you would like to keep private, change your password. The hassle of changing the passwords is nothing compared to the hassle of finding out your wife has been reading your emails for the last six months.”
While some parties may prove able to swiftly update their privacy settings for everyday communication needs, LegalLogs explains that it is critical for divorce clients to maintain a high level of confidentiality when contacting legal representatives. To help reduce risk of privacy infringement during the divorce process, LegalLogs provides an exceptional service that delivers a secure and reliable platform for clients to safely communicate and exchange information with their attorneys.
The team at LegalLogs is dedicated to helping divorce attorneys and individuals facing the end of a marriage navigate the challenging ordeal of document organization for divorce proceedings. LegalLogs has created a unique application platform that operates on a cloud-based server; a distinctive tool that provides a way for clients to easily communicate and exchange critical information—such as financial documents, records, evidentiary photos and messages. With these resources, any person pursuing a divorce can find the means to gain the upper hand during the legal process to ensure better results. Those looking to gain more information are invited to follow the company’s Facebook page and Twitter @LegalLogs or visit the LegalLogs corporate website.
Company Name: LegalLogs.comContact Person: Chris Kennedy
Email:Send Email
Phone: 410.879.3223
Country: United States
Website: chris@legallogs.com
Source: www.abnewswire.com
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