Thursday, July 19, 2012

Better Tymes Project and Better Tymes for Women Partner with to Develop iOS Versions of Better Tymes

Charlottesville VA, July 17, 2012.
Jackie and Yale Landsberg, the founders of The Better Tymes Project and Better Tymes for Women are partnering with to raise funds for the development of two IOS versions of Better Tymes' totally unique TrueTyme Android mobile app. And for the same reason that the Landsbergs have just launched a new Android version: Biological clocks can often harm us! Once this first Launcht project is completed, iPhone and iPad users, like Android ones, will be able to self-explore the chronobiologies of their own worlds, at a very basic level of sun time and moon time awareness.

A recent study of the operation of our biological clocks showed that “Social Jet Lag” (social factor-based disrupted circadian rhythms) can cause obesity. Another study showed that a woman is at risk of becoming infertile if her body's clock is too out of touch with each new day's sunrise and sunset. Even more remarkable is evidence that factoring time of day and night into the administration of cancer drug treatments can often raise the effectiveness of drug use and also reduce side effects. But although billions of science research dollars are being spent on developing advanced “reductionist” drug and gene therapies, the question, “What can positively happen to us holistically when each of us, on our own, is more aware of the passage of sun time and moon time?” is only beginning to be asked.

That bio-time and timing question is long-overdue, because modern life, "mechanical" time, time zones and Daylight Saving Time each conspire to get in the way of our circadian body clocks being aware of natural time. Jackie and Yale strongly believe it is time for men and, even more so for women, to fight back against living our lives as if we are machines, not human beings. And they are not just hoping for a better times revolution. For example, as a woman's circadian rhythm affects her menstrual cycle -- AND her menstrual cycle also affects her circadian rhythm, their totally unique TrueTyme mobile clock app uses patented "sun both above and below the horizon" symbols (and "moon above and below" ones too) that tell a user's mind and brain where she, or he, is in two kinds of natural time. TrueTyme also now has color-coded MoodTyme with unique features for mood journaling, tracking, and analysis by sun time, moon time and time of month.

By using its natural time displays and its analysis of moods by sun and moon time and time of the month, Android users, and soon, iPhone (and hopefully iPad users too) can use TrueTyme to better connect to both nature and themselves. Jackie Landsberg says, “At the least, TrueTyme is a unique 'GPS system for minds and bodies' that is curiously comforting.” Her husband, Yale, hopes that one day, TrueTyme's 'whole picture of time' will also be added to many treatments for alll sorts of circadian rhythm-related problems, “especially those which affect baby-boomers and the elderly. Because as we age, we tend to less and less see dawn and dusk blue light adequately twice a day, due to the yellowing of the lenses of our eyes.”

“However, let's not forget all the younger people too!” Jackie adds. After which, she summarizes their mission this way: "All of us who most of each day are in-doors at home, work, school and play, rarely get to see each new day's sun rising and setting; let alone the passage of the moon each day and night.” Which is why the Landsbergs are hoping that young and older iPhone and iPad users, alike will be part of their unique crowd-funding project, and will tell all their friends and family, including their Android-using ones.
Jackie & Yale Landsberg